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PRIVATE LIFE OF HENRY VIII PRIVATE LIFE OF HENRY VIII 1sh OR search current auctions Auction History Result Lot #: 201 PRIVATE LIFE OF HENRY VIII linen 1sheet Date Sold 6/14/1993Sold For: Login or Register to see sold price. Appears in Hollywood Posters 4 Only $60 The image at right appears in the auction catalog we published as shown above and was sold long ago and we do NOT have it available for purchase. However, you can buy the auction catalog it appears in using the "Order" button above. An Original Vintage Linenbacked One-Sheet Movie Poster (1sh) (Learn More) The Private Life of Henry the Eighth, the 1933 Alexander Korda English royalty historical romantic melodrama ("Every woman got it in the neck - eventually"; "He gave his wives a pain in the neck"; nominated for the Best Picture Academy Award; very loosely based on historical events) starring Charles Laughton (winner of the Best Actor Academy Award for this film; in the title role as King Henry VIII), Robert Donat, Merle Oberon (as Anne Boleyn, in her first important role!), Binnie Barnes (as Katherine Howard), Elsa Lanchester (as Anne of Cleves), Franklin Dyall, Miles Mander, Wendy Barrie (as Jane Seymour), Everley Gregg (as Katherine Parr), and John Loder. Note that Elsa Lanchester was married to Charles Laughton four years before this movie was made (and remained married to him until his death in 1962), and her scenes with Laughton in this movie are particularly delightful! NOTE: Click on linked names to see a biography. If you know who did the art (if any), please let us know. Condition: Very Good. Learn More about condition grades
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