eMoviePoster.com - The most trusted vintage original movie poster site & the only major online auction with no buyers premiums!
Did you know... that we do not make money on shipping, and we often lose money on a lot of the packages we send?
Return to Did You Know ArchiveAdded: 04/10/2017 Unlike every other major auction where shipping is a major "profit center" (because they tack on ridiculous "handling charges"), we do not make
money on shipping. In fact, we lose money on a lot of the packages we send. Why is that? There are several reasons:
1) We offer U.S. customers a flat shipping rate on some of our auctions allowing them to combine as many items as they purchase for a flat rate (and
we let them combine their purchases over a three week period, and still let them pay the flat shipping rate, as long as they pay for all their
purchases within three weeks, and as long as their purchases fit into a single tube or box). This means a large number of U.S. packages cost US far
more than the flat rate we charge.
2) On all the other auctions (the ones without the flat shipping rate), we charge all U.S. customers the same as we charge all non-U.S. customers (we
don't have any flat shipping rates for non-U.S. customers, because the shipping varies so much from country to country). When there is no flat
shipping rate, we ALWAYS charge the actual cost of shipping plus $3 for packaging materials (and that $3 rarely covers the actual cost of the
heavy duty materials we use).
3) We NEVER charge any fee for labor or "handling". That means all the work our employees do to get your order ready (pull the items, invoice
them, pack and address them, etc) is at no cost to you (unlike every other major auction).
3) If we do ever discover that any customer overpaid for shipping, we refund the difference (and we audit EVERY single invoice after the fact,
to make certain the customer did not pay too much, something NO other auction anywhere in the universe, and maybe any major business anywhere,
does). This means that we NEVER make money on shipping and quite often lose quite a bit (especially on expensive items or on very oversized
So you can know when you buy from eMoviePoster.com, you are not paying any added "handling fees" and that we never make money on shipping. For most
auction houses, shipping items is a major "profit center", often charging huge mark-ups over the actual cost. And this is just one of the many ways we
at eMoviePoster.com stand head and shoulders above every other major auction!
Here are more resources related to shipping:
Learn more about why we charge what we do for shipping HERE.
Learn why we can't always combine every rolled poster into a single tube
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Also, please read the following two pages of Consignor Reviews
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Page 2,
and two pages of Customer Reviews of our company
Page 1,
Page 2,
which shows you in our customers' own words exactly what makes our company and our auctions so very different from all others! |
Postal Mailing Address: Bruce Hershenson, P.O. Box 874, West Plains, MO 65775.
(For our UPS or FedEx address, click here)
Our address for UPS or FedEx only is:
Bruce Hershenson, 306 Washington Avenue, West Plains, MO 65775
phone: +1 417 256-9616 fax: +1 417 257-6948
E-mail: Contact Us
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM (CST)