eMoviePoster.comDid you ever wonder how movie poster collectors are distributed over the globe?Return to Did You Know Archive Added: 07/15/2019 When eMoviePoster.com first started in 1990 (as Bruce Hershenson Vintage Movie Posters), that was of course before the Internet, and although we had over 2,000 customers within a few years, over 90% of those 2,000 customers were from the U.S., and 10% were from the rest of the world combined. Back then, there just wasn't a good way for collectors and dealers to find other collectors and dealers in other countries, except for those few who regularly traveled the globe. And many of those few were dealers who made a good living by buying posters from their "home" countries at low prices, and selling them far away to collectors who had no other way to purchase them (and also doing the reverse, bringing back "foreign" posters to their own country). But when we started our website, eMoviePoster.com, in 1998 (and soon after that we also started eBay auctions) our customer base (and along with it our international customer base) exploded in size. Within a couple of years we had 10,000 customers, and we have continued to grow substantially over the years, and as of July 2019 we now have had 48,950 customers! In 2014, when we had had 37,504 customers, one of them asked us exactly how they were distributed over the globe. We created a "pie chart" showing the answer (and you can see that original chart at the bottom of this article). As the chart illustrated, at that time around 20% of our customers were from outside the U.S. NOW WE THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUN TO UPDATE THE 2014 CHART TO SEE HOW THOSE NUMBERS HAVE CHANGED, AND WE CREATED THIS UPDATED 2019 CHART SEEN BELOW (and the chart can be clicked to see a larger version): 2019 CHART HERE:
As noted above we first created a chart like the above one in June of 2014 which at that time included the 37,504 customers we then had. Here's the 2014 chart. Compare it to the above chart to see the differences between June 2014 and the present time (and the below chart can also be clicked to see a larger version): 2014 CHART HERE: When you compare the charts, two things are very clear! One is of course that the number of movie paper collectors the world over is growing exponentially, but that, compared to every other collectible, it still can grow much, MUCH larger. We think that a significant part of that growth is due to our eMoviePoster.com auctions, especially because we hold 3,000 auctions every week (and auction more vintage movie paper each week than all of eBay combined!). But the other is that we have continued to GREATLY expand our auctioning of international posters. Back in 2014 we did not auction nearly as many international posters as we do now, and a lot of the ones we did auction were from English language countries (England and Australia), and also the ones where posters have always been seen in the U.S. (most notably France, Italy and Argentina). But recent years have seen us auction greater and greater numbers of posters from countries we previously auctioned very few from (including Japan, Russia, Egypt, India, and many others) and as we do so we have GREATLY increased the number of collectors we have sold to from each of those countries (which makes perfect sense, because it is only logical that a lot of Russian collectors would be looking for Russian posters, etc). What will be the global distribution of collectors in 2024? Only time will tell! Tags (?): #InnerWorkings
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