eMoviePoster.comAuction History Result 240 FLAMING CRISIS 1sheet 1924 Appears in Sports Movie PostersBOOK SOLD OUT The image at right appears in the book we published as shown above. While we once owned this item, we did not auction it through eMoviePoster.com (which is why no price or date is listed) nor do we have it available for purchase. The Flaming Crisis, the 1924 silent black African American romantic murder melodrama ("With a notable cast of colored artists"; about a black newspaperman who is convicted of a murder he did not commit on circumstantial evidence, and he is sentenced to prison, but he escapes and makes his way to the southwest, where he takes up with Tex Miller, a beautiful cowgirl, and after he captures some outlaws, he gives himself up, knowing he will spend a long time in prison, but he finds that the real murderer has confessed, and he heads back to Tex Miller!) starring Calvin Nicholson, Dorothy Dunbar, Henry Dixon, William Butler, and Marie Chester. Note that the female lead in this movie is named "Dorothy Dunbar". There WAS a famous white actress of the 1920s by this name, but we think it is extremely likely that this was NOT the Dorothy Dunbar in this movie, but rather a black actress of the same name, but we can find no further information on this (the IMDb lists the actress as the "white" Dorothy Dunbar, but they are known for many errors). If anyone knows more about this, please e-mail us and we will post it here. NOTE: Click on linked names to see a biography. If you know who did the art (if any), please let us know.
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