eMoviePoster.comAuction History Result 2d0909 STEFANIE POWERS signed color 8x10 REPRO still '90s smiling portrait of the Hart To Hart star! Date Sold 10/25/2015Sold For: Login or Register to see sold price. An Autographed Color 8" x 10" [20 x 25 cm] REPRODUCTION Still (Learn More) Stefanie Powers is an actress from the 1950s to the present. She is probably best known for her starring role as Jennifer Hart in TV's "Hart To Hart". Some of her movies include: Experiment in Terror, McLintock!, and Warning Shot. As of 2021, she is still alive at the age of 78! Important Added Info: Note that this REPRODUCTION still has been personally autographed (signed) by Stefanie Powers! Note that the item comes with a "certificate of authenticity" from Alan Sherred's Walk of Fame Autographs and Collectibles. Note that this autographed item was consigned to us by a husband and wife who have been collecting autographs and other movie memorabilia for over 30 years! They have obtained some of it in person (at conventions or collectible shows where celebrities appeared) or they purchased them from reputable autograph dealers who had credentials with U.A.C.C., I.A.D.A-C.C. or the Manuscript Society. In many cases they obtained certificates of authenticity for individual items, and in those cases, we have photographed the COA and put it on the auction. In some cases, they received a COA for multiple items, or did not receive one, and in those cases, we do not of course picture one. They made every attempt to only buy authentic signed items, and we believe that all of the items from their collection that we are offering (as is true of all the signed items we are auctioning) are authentic (and we give every buyer 30 days in which to review what they purchased and they can return any item as long as it is within 30 days of the end of the auction). Condition: very good to fine. Learn More about condition grades
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