Did you know... that we want you to be able to spend more money on purchases, and less on shipping, so we have revised BOTH our Pay and Hold program AND our Autoship Program?Return to Did You Know Archive Added: 03/02/2020 It is no secret to ANYONE that shipping costs have skyrocketed over the
past 20 years. In 2000, we charged U.S. purchasers a flat rate of $4 an order,
and non-U.S. purchasers a flat rate of $14. But every shipping company has
MASSIVELY raised rates EVERY single year since then, and rates have mostly
quadrupled in those 20 years. SO YEARS AGO, WE CAME UP WITH A WAY TO COMBAT THAT, CALLED "OUR PAY AND HOLD PROGRAM". It has worked well, and saved our customers massive amounts on shipping. However, because rates continue to rise drastically, we have greatly improved this program (see below), so that we need only send your orders FOUR times a year (except for certain exceptions; see below). Here is the current way both these programs works (there are a number of improvements over the old way, so please read the below carefully):
How Pay and Hold works: WANT TO USE IT? Great! Just use our Checkout and choose the "Pay Now & Ship Later" option for your order. The Checkout will show you if your Pay and Hold is due and it will give you all the appropriate options available to you! Frequently Asked Questions Q. What
exceptions are there? 2) If you purchase expensive autographed items (over $100 each), those MUST be sent after the autographed auction you bought them in ends. This is because these items have a 30 day return privilege, and we want you to see them soon after the auction ends, to confirm you are happy with them. Q. What about different kinds of packages (flat, rolled, linen)? How Autoship works
Autoship Shipment Options. You can pick one of three options: 1) You can sign up for "FOUR Week Autoship". This means that we will wait for four weeks before sending your purchases. For example, if you purchase on a Tuesday, then we will wait until four weeks from that date, and then ship your purchases from that Tuesday, but also combine in (if possible) your purchases from any auctions that closed over those 4 weeks (if you purchased anything from any of those, and if they can be combined in the same package or tube, of course). If you know at any point that you won't bid on any more of those auctions, then you can email us and we will send your original purchases when you email us. Note that we will charge you for each set of your purchases the day after each set is completed, and then charge you for shipping only after the four weeks are up, and you MUST have a valid credit card on file to sign up for "Two Week Autoship". 2) You can sign up for "EIGHT Week Autoship". This is the same as "FOUR Week Autoship", except we ship every EIGHT weeks, but we still charge you for each set of your purchases the day after each set is completed, and then charge you for shipping only after the eight weeks are up. 4) You can sign up for "SIXTEEN Week Autoship". This is the same as "FOUR Week Autoship", except we ship every SIXTEEN weeks, but we still charge you for each set of your purchases the day after each set is completed, and then charge you for shipping only after the sixteen weeks are up. If you don't want to leave a credit card on file with us (and remember we ONLY store those numbers on OUR computers, and nowhere on the Internet), then you CAN'T be in this Autoship program, but you can either pay for your purchases as you make them, or you can instead join our "Pay and Hold" program. Ready to sign up for Autoship! Ready to join? Follow these two steps:
IN ADDITION TO MANY OF THE TIME FRAMES CHANGING ABOVE, THERE ARE THREE CHANGES WE HAVE MADE THAT WE WANT TO BE SURE ALL BUYERS ARE AWARE OF! 1) ALL buyers have to pay for their purchases within two weeks, or their ability to bid may be restricted. This has always been "the rule", but in the past we were sometimes lax in enforcing it, but we found that sometimes people who got a month or two behind in paying would then "vanish", and this is very unfair to our paying bidders, who rightfully want to always know they are bidding against bidders who always pay. If you can't pay for your purchases within two weeks, you need to then stop
bidding until you are "caught up".
And remember that an alternate way of paying is to consign items that will cover
what you owe. LOTS of our bidders do this, and this is always fine to do! We urge all of our customers to join the Pay
and Hold Program, because it really saves you a massive amount on shipping, so
that you will spend far LESS on shipping over the course of a year, and
have far MORE to spend on the items you buy (especially when compared to
buying from multiple sellers on the Internet)! 3) We USED TO have a "cancellation policy" where bidders could cancel items because they had only won a single inexpensive item. But now, thanks to SIXTEEN week Pay and Hold, you can combine that one item with all the other items you get in the following 16 weeks, so we no longer offer any cancellations for any reason. ![]()
Postal Mailing Address:
Bruce Hershenson, P.O. Box 874, West Plains, MO 65775. (For our UPS or FedEx address, click here) phone: +1 417 256-9616 fax: +1 417 257-6948 E-mail: Contact Us Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM (CST) |
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©1998-2025 Bruce Hershenson. All rights reserved.
All materials contained in this document are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Bruce Hershenson. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. However, you may download or print material from this Web site for your personal, non-commercial use only. |