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Did you know... that many people have different views on how to best store their movie paper collection?
Return to Did You Know ArchiveAdded: 03/15/2021
Many years ago, we received the below question from a customer. We have
regularly received this same basic question with slight variations over the
years, so we thought club members would like to read the answer we gave back
then (only slightly revised now, because little has changed on this subject
over the past decade!).
"Dear Bruce: I'd like to get the truth about long-term storage of
movie posters and related paper, and where is the bst place to keep your
collection, and what are the best storage materials to use. For many
years, I have purchased lots of storage materials. My HUGE
collection needs protection from handling, dust, etc.
Because of this, I have over 2,500 magazines, hundreds of posters,
lobbies, etc. stored in "poly" bags with cardboard backings. But in the
past few years another company advertises their "Mylar" protectors. Their
claim that "poly" protectors contain gases and fumes that shorten the life
of your investment has me worried!
There is also the cost factor to be considered. The "poly" system is
very affordable, considering the quantity I needed, while the "Mylar"
system is several times the cost of that for "poly". For sizes larger than
will fit in the 1-sheet/quad bags, such as 40" x 60"s up to 24-sheets, I
keep them stored flat, one on top of the other, in a large homemade
"book", measuring 50" x 65", that consists of wooden "covers" lined with
brown packaging paper, with an expandable spine.
The advantage I have found to this, is that the "book" presses the
posters quite nicely. Fold marks are nearly completely pressed out. And,
there is none of the maddening curling that occurs with posters stored
rolled. But, what dangers am I at risk of encountering? Should tissue, or
some such material, be placed between each and every sheet of paper?
Should I use canvas instead of the brown paper to protect the posters from
the wooden covers? Any advise would be so greatly appreciated. Especially
advise that won't cost an arm & a leg. Many thanks!"
Here is how I replied: This subject has been dealt with
several times in the past, but it's such an important topic that I don't
mind revisiting it on a regular basis, as there are ALWAYS lots of
"newer" collectors with similar questions. FIFTY THREE years ago when
I started in comic books, I bought "poly" bags just like this questioner,
and spent a small fortune over the next nine years as a full-time comic book
collector/dealer on bagging comics I collected or sold.
Their main advantage to the bags is that if you handle your items a lot,
you can do so much more easily, and with much less fear of damaging them.
However about thirty years ago, the Mylar and "Mylite" bags showed up, and
the makers of those said that poly bags are damaging to comic books (or any
paper items). I didn't rush out and buy all new Mylar bags for my stuff
(which as this questioner says, would cost a small fortune, as they were and
are much more expensive than poly).
Instead, I took everything out of the poly and JUST STORED THEM
UNPROTECTED! I have mostly continued doing this for the past thirty
years (with all sorts of collectible paper, mostly movie posters, lobby
cards and stills) and I would say that I never saw any real difference
between items I stored in bags, and those I stored with nothing (I've hardly
ever used Mylar).
With movie posters, around 20 years ago I invested around $400 in a
metal poster cabinet with four drawers that comfortably hold hundreds of
unbacked one-sheets each (or around 50 linenbacked ones), and over the
following years I slowly added a dozen more (including an immense one that
holds 40x60s flat!), plus a set of forty eight custom built wooden drawers.
I store all the posters in them unfolded and flat, for over time they
then lose virtually all their folds (I have found that posters stored folded
for many years invariably grow more fragile along the folds).
So my personal experience is that no protection works just fine
(although in my case I usually only handle them when I am removing them to
sell them, which may not be your experience or fit your needs). If I want to
look at items on a regular basis I frame them and hang them on the wall.
HERE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING! Whenever I have received a
collection to sell, it seems to me it has never mattered how they were
bagged or not bagged (and in fact the best ones were found totally
unprotected, like the Royal Theater Collection of movie posters found in
Canada). But you ABSOLUTELY MUST be careful about heat, light,
humidity, and protecting them from water, fire, insects, mold and mildew.
Just about any well-constructed cabinet placed in a climate controlled room
will accomplish this.
I know the bag and sleeve people will be mad at me for saying this, but
I honestly think the main reason collectors use the bags and sleeves is
because they think they are supposed to, which is fed by the endless ads
from the companies who make them. I know several other major collectors who
also don't use them, and they have not reported any problems. I'd like some
of the members of this club with large collections to share how they store
their posters, and I will gladly print responses (whether they agree with me
or not!) in future club messages.
But I certainly DO accept that those collectors who like to
"handle" their posters a lot, or those who are also dealers who need to take
their inventory to shows, DO have a valid reason for using these
products. Where can you get the types of collector quality supplies
mentioned above? Here are links to the two best sources (and we accept no
paid ads from anyone, and we only recommend those sites we feel are worthy
of you using):
*Bill Cole Enterprises
*Bags Unlimited
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