eMoviePoster.comDid You Know... that "credits" are now being added back into our Checkout?Return to Did You Know Archive Added: 12/12/2016 As most of you surely know, on September 26th we made our "Checkout 2.0" live which added the ability to use our Pay and Hold system in our Checkout. Since then, numerous bug fixes and enhancements have been added. These additions have ranged from clarifying text to improving how "smart" the Checkout is when showing you how purchases will be combined. We've been so busy with our currently running December Major Auction that we haven't updated you on these changes, but we want to make sure everyone knows that one major update was added just before Thanksgiving which is it now displays and uses your account credits (including gift certificates!). We are currently working on more enhancements. Some of these are "back end" improvements that make it easier for us to process your orders. Others are improvements that will make the Checkout easier for YOU to use. Most of these remaining enhancements are relatively minor ones that there is no need to detail, but there is one major one remaining that we have not yet finished, which is the ability to note within the Checkout that you are sending a check or money order, and we are working on adding that just as soon as we possibly can! Please be sure to let us know if you ever experience any trouble with our Checkout. There are all sorts of unique situations that our programmers simply can't identify beforehand, but EVERY time someone reports any problem (no matter how small), it is thoroughly investigated and usually we are able to make an improvement. Remember... Only YOU can help improve our Checkout!
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