ARE YOU LOOKING TO BUY MOVIE POSTERS OR RELATED ITEMS? We are the world's leading auctioneer of movie posters and related items. You are currently on one of our non-auction pages. We hold 2,500 to 4,000 auctions every FOUR WEEKS. To learn more about our auctions, click here. To register to bid on our auctions, click here.


In the past 35 years, we have auctioned MORE movie paper for MORE money than ANY other auction company, period!

EVERY item we auction starts at $1, with NO reserve, and NO buyers premium, and EVERY item is honestly described, with an unenhanced super-sized image!

We charge consignors far and away the lowest rates of ANY major auction at EVERY price level, and we are nearing our TWO MILLIONTH auction!

Go to our current auctions in our Auction Galleries, and you will quickly see why we are the most trusted auction site! was founded in 1999 as the first all-movie poster auction website. We have held just under two million unique auctions of posters, lobby cards, stills and related items! - The most trusted vintage original movie poster site & the only major online auction with no buyers premiums!

Consigning to Auctions

 This page last updated on January 1, 2025

Learn all about consigning to auctions here!

URGENT! As of January 1, 2025 we no longer accept ANY consignments that have a realistic auction value of under $50, and those must be in OUR "very good" condition. If they are in "good to very good" condition or under they must have a realistic auction value of at least $75, and if they are linenbacked, they must have a realistic auction value of at least $100 (see below).

If you are ready to consign, when you send us your items, be sure to include the Consignor Reference Sheet (click HERE to print it). And only send your package AFTER you have read the below info which covers most questions!

Below you'll find:
How Consigning Works | Schedule of Upcoming Auctions | Rates | About | Questions & Answers |
Consignment Checklist & Reference Sheet | Address & Contact Info | Absolute Proof

2/15/2025, 4:02 AM

Future Auctions
(Dates shown are the dates
the auctions will run)

2/18 to 3/111,274 "flat" items
2/20 to 3/13All rolled items
2/23 to 3/16All-comic book auction
3/18 to 4/8All flat items
3/20 to 4/10All rolled items
3/23 to 4/13April Major Auction
Still Time to Consign
(Dates Subject to Change)
4/15 to 5/6All flat items
4/17 to 5/8All rolled items
4/20 to 5/11Flat bulk lots
5/13 to 6/3All flat items
5/15 to 6/5All rolled items
5/18 to 6/8All-art print auction
6/10 to 7/1All flat items
6/12 to 7/3All rolled items
6/15 to 7/6Rolled bulk lots
7/8 to 7/29All flat items
7/10 to 7/31All rolled items
7/13 to 8/3August Major Auction
8/5 to 8/26All flat items
8/7 to 8/28All rolled items
8/10 to 8/31Flat bulk lots
9/2 to 9/23All flat items
9/4 to 9/25All rolled items
9/7 to 9/28Rolled bulk lots
9/30 to 10/21Halloween Auction Part I
10/2 to 10/23Halloween Auction Part II
10/5 to 10/26Halloween Auction Part III
10/28 to 11/18All flat items
10/30 to 11/20All rolled items
11/2 to 11/23Flat bulk lots
11/25 to 12/16All flat items
11/27 to 12/18All rolled items
11/30 to 12/21December Major Auction
12/23 to 1/13/26All flat items
12/25 to 1/15/26All rolled items
12/28 to 1/18/26Rolled bulk lots

How Consigning Works

Benefits of consigning through us:

  • The only work you do is getting your items safely to us. We do everything else!
  • No hidden commissions or fees, and no "fine print". We stand by what we say and will never mislead you.
  • We NEVER buy items from you (as almost every other auction house does) because that would put us in direct conflict with our consignment based business, and we would be on "the opposite side" from you, needing to buy your items for a low price. When you consign to us, we are "on the same side" so if your items sell for more, then you get more and we also get more. This means we are highly motivated to get the most for your items.
  • You get an audience of 70,000+ movie paper collectors who know us (some have been buying from us for 35 years) and who know that we always describe everything honestly and usually send purchases out within a few business days of receiving payment, very securely wrapped in custom made extra-strong boxes and tubes. This makes bidders more likely to bid on an item we're offering than one offered by someone unknown to them (like you!).
  • Since we auction on a regular schedule every fourth Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday offering 2,500 to 4,000 items every four weeks, bidders are more inclined to look over our auctions because we will probably have something to interest them. There are many thousands  of collectors and dealers who check our auctions every single time, and who would probably miss your item if it is auctioned any other way, because they simply don't have the time to check out other auction sites on a regular basis!

Are you a good candidate for consigning through us? Here is a checklist:

  • Your items ALL need to have a realistic retail value of at least $50 per item to be in INDIVIDUAL auctions (but those MUST be in OUR "very good" condition), or at least $75 per item if they are in "good to very good" condition or under, or at least $100 per item if they are linenbacked (you can check this in our searchable Auction History). This applies to ALL consignments, as we no longer auction nice condition sub-$50 items (or "lesser condition sub-$75 items) in bulk lots at all (see below).

    THIS MEANS WE WILL HAVE FEWER, BUT BETTER, AUCTIONS (since every individual item is one that deserves to sell for $50 or more if it is in nice condition, or $75 or more if it is in lesser condition) AND THAT MEANS BIDDERS WILL NOT "LOSE INTEREST", AND WILL HAVE THE TIME AND WILLINGNESS TO LOOK OVER EVERY ITEM!

  • You need to let us sell them with NO minimum bid for each item, and accept the possibility that you may receive less for some items than you thought they were worth. However, you will surely receive far more than any dealer would offer you for those items (and we charge lower commissions at EVERY price level than any other major auction, and we have no "buyers premiums"). And realize that EVERY major dealer in the world follows our auctions, and they are looking to "restock" from our auctions, so a $100 item will never sell for a crazy low amount, because two dealers will surely bid at least $50 each if it is truly "worth" $100.
  • Overall, you need to trust us with your material during the time we have it, and trust that we will honestly report how much each item sold for (although, since they will have sold on our auction site, you will be able to "follow along" and verify what we say). If you have any doubt about your willingness to trust us, stop reading now!
We can say that we have paid out over 120 MILLION dollars to just over 3,370+ people just like yourself, and we have had only a few dissatisfied consignors (who had unrealistic expectations, or who did not read our simple terms outlined here), a record we are very proud of!

Now we are the ONLY movie poster auction there is where this is not that remarkable, and, because we own an entire city block, we can easily accommodate even massive collections or large dealer/store inventories. And of course most days we receive at least five or ten packages sent to us by some of our 3,370+ consignors, and those don't pose a problem either!

Our Rates

We have carefully figured out how much time and effort goes into selling an item online, from start to finish. It takes the exact same amount of work to sell a $10 one-sheet as a $1000 one-sheet. The cost to us of the labor and overhead required to sell each item is an absolute minimum of $12.50 each. The vast majority of buyers pay with credit cards or PayPal, which costs us roughly three percent of the total. Taking everything into consideration, we have arrived at the below commission rates.

If an item sells for:  We receive this amount: 
$20,000+ 10% of the selling price
$15,000 to $19,999 12% of the selling price
$10,000 to 14,999 14% of the selling price
$7,500 to $9,999 16% of the selling price
$5,000 to $7,499 18% of the selling price
$1,200 to $4,999 20% of the selling price
$600 to $1,199 22% of the selling price
$400 to $599 24% of the selling price
$250 to $399 26% of the selling price
$100 to $249 28% of the selling price
$70 to $99 30% of the selling price
$50 to $69 35% of the selling price
$35 to $49 40% of the selling price
$25 to $34 50% of the selling price
$13 to $24 66% of the selling price
$1 to $12 75% of the selling price

*These rates are for what is sold in each individual auction, NOT for your consignment as a whole.

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT OUR RATES: If you compare the above rates to those of other major auction companies, it may appear that we charge MORE than they do. BUT ACTUALLY, WE CHARGE LESS THAN THEY DO AT EVERY SINGLE PRICE LEVEL (see below for a chart that proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt)! How is this true? Because they charge "buyers premiums" to every buyer (usually 20% or so), which means that a buyer of a "$1,000" poster pays $200 more, or $1,200 in all. The seller (you) then receives $1,000 less their commission (usually 15% to 25%), which means that you receive between $750 and $850 on that poster that the buyer paid $1,200 for. But IN OUR AUCTIONS, when your poster auctions for $1,200, there is no buyers premium, and you receive $1,200 less 20%, which is $960, substantially more than the $750 to $850 you receive from any other major auction!

Note that we almost always lose money on the sub-$30 items, because, between labor (where we have between 10 minutes and an hour of labor in every auction, depending on how many items it contains), and we don't get enough to pay for that time for items that sell for under $30, because in addition to our labor cost, we still have to pay all the web hosting fees, advertising fees, and credit card fees (we'll get $4.50 for an item that sells for $6, but we still lose money on that item! We get $8.66 for an item that sells for $13, but we still lose money on that item! We get $15.00 for an item that sells for $30, and we probably just barely break even on that item, which is a waste of our time!) Therefore, WE HAVE MADE THESE RATES EXTREMELY HIGH ON THE SUB-$30 items in an attempt to get people to stop sending them (because some people just don't know the value of their items)! Sub-$30 items COST us money (we lose money on almost every one) and they cost our consignors money, because having a lot of sub-$30 items causes bidders to lose interest in bidding, and they bid less than they do when there are very few sub-$30 items!

Remember that we must pay all the website fees, the credit card fees, and the cost of sending the items, and, unlike every other major auction company, WE CHARGE NO BUYERS PREMIUMS TO OUR CUSTOMERS! Please realize that if you were to sell these lower priced items yourself, you would probably find that you weren't even earning minimum wage, after taking into account the amount of time you spent and the fees you would pay. Selling items for just a few dollars each is just a waste of everyone's time. We are looking for individuals who have items that have a minimum realistic value of at least $30 per item, and will trust us to be 100% honest with them.

We charge the lowest consignor commissions at EVERY price level and have a chart that proves it.

In all our ads we state "We charge the lowest consignor commissions at EVERY price level". Here's a chart that proves it beyond a doubt!

Why did we create the above chart? Because three different potential consignors told us that they had decided to auction their items elsewhere, because "their rates were so much lower than's".

We asked them how they arrived at that, and they said that they were told that the percentage they were charged at the other auction was less than the percentage that they were charged at our auction.

But sadly, that is not at all true. When you factor in the Buyers Premiums that are hidden from the seller, the sellers at those other auctions pay more (and often FAR more than they do in our auctions as this chart conclusively proves)!

Just to make it crystal clear:
When you consign a poster to that the buyer pays $15,000 for, YOU get $13,200.
If you had instead consigned that poster to an auction that "only" charges 25% seller's commission for items $1,000 or over (but also has a 25% buyers premium, which is true of almost every major auction other than, then after the buyer paid them $15,000 for it, YOU get only $9,000.

When you consign a poster to that the buyer pays $1,200 for, YOU get $960.
If you had instead consigned that poster to an auction that "only" charges 25% seller's commission for items $1,000 or over (but also has a 25% buyers premium, which is true of almost every major auction other than, then after the buyer paid them $1,200 for it, YOU get only $720.

When you consign a poster to that the buyer pays $600 for, YOU get $468.
If you had instead consigned that poster to an auction that "only" charges 25% seller's commission for items under $1,000 (but also has a 25% buyers premium, which is true of almost every major auction other than, then after the buyer paid them $600 for it, YOU get only $360.

When you consign a poster to that the buyer pays $100 for, YOU get $72.00.
If you had instead consigned that poster to an auction that "only" charges 25% seller's commission for items under $1,000 (but also has a 25% buyers premium, with a $29 minimum), then after the buyer paid them $100 for it, YOU only get $53.

When you consign a poster to that the buyer pays $30 for, YOU get $15.
If you had instead consigned that poster to an auction that "only" charges 25% seller's commission for items under $1,000 (but also has a 25% buyers premium, with a $29 minimum), then after the buyer paid them $30 for it, YOU get only 75 CENTS.

So when you compare, there is NO comparison! $13,200 or $9,000? $960 or $720? $468 or $360? $72 or $53.25? And the most outrageous of all, 15 DOLLARS or 75 cents?


You might THINK that "consigning to auctions" is pretty much the same, and that how much money you receive is pretty much "the luck of the draw". But nothing could be further from the truth! We at charge SO incredibly less than EVERY other auction (at all price levels) that the difference in what WE pay our consignors and what other auctions pay to their consignors can be downright mind-blowing! Here are two wonderful examples of just how great the difference can be, using two actual pairs of posters WE sold, and another auction sold, just days apart. Here is the first one.

Almost exactly one year ago, we at happened to auction an example of a VERY desirable poster just 12 days after another auction company auctioned another example of the same poster, and while the results were similar ($21,500 at vs $20,000 at the other auction, the amounts the consignors received were ANYTHING but similar ($19,350 at vs $13,600 at the other auction, a difference of $5,750!). See the below image and the text under it for the complete story of what occurred.

On 12/7/2023, another major auction company sold an example of the one-sheet from The Empire Strikes Back that has unedited Kastel art, and it sold for $20,000. On 12/19/2023 (12 days later), our company,, sold a different example of the one-sheet from The Empire Strikes Back that has unedited Kastel art, for $21,500.

I am NOT bragging about the $1,500 difference, because in the big scheme of things, getting a 7.5% difference in price is not that big a deal, and it COULD have gone either way. And I am not saying that we did a "better" job, or that the other auction did a "lesser" job, or that theirs was in better condition, because we use different grading scales.

But this brings up a great point. A few collectors (especially "newbies") have a perception that the auctions that print fancy catalogs and have giant showrooms sometimes get more money than we do. BUT THIS IS NOT BORNE OUT IN ACTUAL RESULTS! When you compare "like items" (apples to apples and oranges to oranges), you will find that we at often DO get more than the "fancy catalog" auctions.

This is almost surely because we describe the condition far and away the best of ANY auction anywhere, and we ALWAYS post completely unenhanced images of what we are auctioning. THIS takes away the "fear factor" so many collectors have when buying from auctions that can't always be trusted to accurately grade what they are auctioning, and who sometimes will enhance an image to make it appear better than it is.

But back to what I was saying about the difference in the price WE received for our Empire Strikes Back one-sheet and what the other auction got for their Empire Strikes Back one-sheet. What I AM focusing on is the GIGANTIC difference in how much money the CONSIGNORS of the two posters received, and why THIS says so much about where YOU should consign! What do I mean? The poster at that other auction sold for $16,000 "hammer" price, plus a 25% "buyers premium, for a total of $20,000.

The consignor of that poster paid 15% of the hammer price in commission, $2,400, so HE RECEIVED $13,600 OUT OF THE $20,000 SALE! The poster at sold for $21,500 "hammer" price, plus ZERO PERCENT "buyers premium, for a total of $21,500.

The consignor of our poster paid 10% of the hammer price in commission, $2,150, so HE RECEIVED $19,350 OUT OF THE $21,500 SALE! SO OUR CONSIGNOR RECEIVED $19,350, AND THE OTHER CONSIGNOR RECEIVED $13,600, A DIFFERENCE OF FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS!


And this is not solely true with super expensive items! Go to On that page you will find a detailed breakdown of what happens to someone who consigns a poster that sells for varying amounts at both auctions.

It shows what happens to posters that sell for $15,000, $1,200, $600, $100, and $30 at both auctions, and THE COMPARATIVE RESULTS ARE PRETTY SHOCKING. When you compare, there is NO comparison! $13,200 or $9,000 for a $15,000 poster? $960 or $720 for a $1,200 poster, $468 or $360 for a $600 poster? $72 or $53 for a $100 poster?

And the most SHOCKING of all, 15 DOLLARS or 75 cents for a $30 poster? So if YOU have posters you have considered selling, shouldn't you consign them to, where you get so MUCH more money for equivalent selling prices?

And you might THINK the above Empire Strikes Back pair of results was an "isolated example", but in fact, it is far more common than you might realize. And now, a year later, the same thing has happened again!

We at happened to auction an example of another VERY desirable poster (War of the Worlds British Quad) just 36 days before another auction company auctioned another example of the same poster, and ONCE AGAIN, while the results were similar ($23,733 at vs $23,125 at the other auction.

The poster at that other auction sold for $18,500 "hammer" price, plus a 25% "buyers premium, for a total of $23,125. The consignor of that poster paid 15% of the hammer price in commission, $2,775, so HE RECEIVED $15,725 OUT OF THE $23,125 SALE! The poster at sold for $23,733 "hammer" price, plus ZERO PERCENT "buyers premium, for a total of $23,733.

The consignor of our War of the Worlds British Quad paid 10% of the hammer price in commission, $2,373, so HE RECEIVED $21,360 OUT OF THE $23,733 SALE! SO OUR CONSIGNOR RECEIVED $21,360, AND THE OTHER CONSIGNOR RECEIVED $15,725, A DIFFERENCE OF FIVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY FIVE DOLLARS!


And, as we said above, this is not solely true with super expensive items! We take FAR lower commissions at EVERY selling price across the board! Please go to for a complete and transparent explanation of exactly how consigning to us works! And we CLEARLY state exactly what we charge at every price level, something you can't find at any other major auction site.

So if YOU have very expensive posters to auction, realize that there is an excellent chance you will receive thousands more for those posters, EVEN IF THEY SELL FOR AROUND THE SAME PRICE AT EITHER AUCTION! When you add in that is the most trusted auction there is (with 35 years and $119 million in REAL sales) is there ANY doubt which auction you should consign your most valued posters to?


Since 1989, Bruce Hershenson has organized 19 major movie poster auctions (10 for Christie's auction house, 3 for Howard Lowery auction house, and 6 mega-auctions held on eBay on specific days in 2001-2004) with total sales of over 10 million dollars! Between 1989 and 1999 he sold over 30,000 vintage movie posters and lobby cards through sales catalogs with sales of over 4 million dollars. In 2000, Bruce switched to auctioning solely on the Internet and between 2000 and 2008 held over 330,000 auctions on the eBay auction site, and since 2008 has held over 1.96 million auctions on his own auction site,, with total sales of $120,000,000 (averaging over $5 million a year for the last 17 years, and over $6 million every year the past 8 years!). Bruce has also published 42 full-color movie poster books that have combined sales of over 300,000 copies! Having seen how many auction houses operate first hand, Bruce Hershenson started with the philosophy that auctions should be run with honesty and integrity both with our bidders AND with our consignors. If you've never dealt with us before, once you do, you will quickly find that everything we say is true!

UPDATE 1/1/2025: EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, we no longer accept ANY consignments that have a realistic auction value of under $50, and those must be in OUR "very good" condition. If they are in "good to very good" condition or under they must have a realistic auction value of at least $75, and if they are linenbacked, they must have a realistic auction value of at least $100

Why? Two main reasons. First, as with so many other businesses nowadays, EVERY single cost we have keeps rising and rising and rising (seemingly with no end in sight), but most importantly shipping costs. Given all this, it just doesn't make sense for us to be auctioning $5, $10, $20, or even $30 items individually, because when we add up all our costs, we lose money doing so.

Second, and just as important, auctioning low value items (especially bulk lots) takes up tons of time, and after doing this 35 years non-stop, I want to "slow down" just a little! I THOUGHT that going to "every four week" auctions from weekly auctions would accomplish that, but actually we are now just as busy as ever! I see that the answer is to completely stop auctioning low value (sub $50) items completely, EVEN IN BULK LOTS. That will allow us to get back to 1,000 or even 500 items in each set of auctions, and will slow our pace down considerably.

And when you think about it, taking inflation into account, having a $50 minimum for consignments is NOT "setting the bar very high"! Back in 1970 the minimum wage was $1.60 an hour. And now it is mostly at least ten times that! So having a "$50 minimum for consignments" in 2023 is like having had a "FIVE DOLLAR minimum for consignments" in 1970!

And for those of you who love super low priced items, know that we will continue auctioning what was already consigned here, and we have a fair number of $10 and $20 single auction items here, and those will keep popping up in our auctions until they are all sold. And for those of you who love BULK LOTS, know that we will continue auctioning the bulk lot items that are already consigned here, and we have enough of those items here to continue holding bulk lot auctions through the end of this year (or until they are all sold).

BUT REMEMBER, WE DON'T WANT ANY NEW CONSIGNMENTS OF SUB-$50 ITEMS AT ALL (or sub-$75 ones in lesser condition, or sub-$100 ones if linenbacked) (except under VERY special circumstances; contact us if you think this applies to you!).


Questions and Answers

Q: What if you have posters that are worth UNDER $50 dollars each, or ones worth under $75 each in lesser condition (either solely such posters, or in addition to "better" posters), and you simply want to get rid of them?
A: We USED to create "bulk lots" out of your "lesser" items, but we no longer do so (see above for why). Low value items usually account for a tiny percentage of the value of a collection. They tend to be far more trouble than they are worth. Consider donating them, selling them as a lot on Facebook, Craigslist, etc, but DON'T send them to us!

Q: How long will it take to get your items sold?
In our "every four week" auctions we run almost every type of item every four weeks (a very few types only are auctioned every eight weeks, and linenbacked posters are auctioned four times a year). However, tightly rolled posters need to be "flattened" under weight for 2 to 3 months before we can auction them. If you send any, it will take at least this time for them to reach auction, so don't send them unless you have that time!
We really do auction 95% of the $50+ items we are sent within a few months!
It is ONLY the VERY "oddball" items (or tightly rolled posters which need to flatten) that take a very long time to get auctioned.

Q: When will you be paid?
A: We always pay at the end of the month following the month in which items are sold.
For example, if your items sell in July, we will pay you at the end of August. Why is this? After the auctions close, it can take several weeks to collect payment from all the buyers. Once the items have been shipped, we need a couple more weeks to be sure the buyers are pleased with their purchases and will not be returning any (but know that returns happen less than 1% of the time). Given our payment schedule, we will be paying you between 30 and 59 days from the time your auctions close. In the event that an item hasn't been paid for yet, we will list it on your payment statement as "Payment Pending or to be Relisted". If it is paid for, it will appear on a future statement. If it isn't, we will block the bidder who didn't pay (so he/she can't do it again), and we will re-auction the item. Also, know that if your payment is less than $20, we will hold it until it totals more than $20 which saves you and us both time. Of course, you can request us to make the payment anyway by contacting us.

Q: What will your payment statement show?
A: It will have a detailed accounting of every single item we sold for you in that month, what it sold for, when it sold, and what our commission was. The end of the statement shows a summary of what you received and what we received for our commissions.

Q: What can you expect once you've sent your items to us?

  • We will notify you via e-mail when your consignments arrive (it may take a few days as we often receive dozens to hundreds of packages a week).
  • We will begin preparing them for auction soon thereafter. NOTE: They will likely be auctioned when we next sell those sizes, UNLESS it is one of the items that we have one or more examples of the exact same item already consigned to us.
  • We will notify you via e-mail when items of yours are put up for auction (the morning after they start).

  • Three weeks later, we will notify you via e-mail of the results of your items (the morning after they close).
  • On the last day of the month after the month in which your items sold, we will pay you by check sent by U.S. mail (unless you have made other arrangements such as payment by PayPal, ACH bank transfer in the U.S., or bank wire outside the U.S.).

Q: What if you're not 100% certain that you want to send your items?
A: We do not want you to send your items if you do not trust us. But of course, you can start by sending a sample group of 20 or so items to see how they do, and then decide from there how you feel about our service. We are 100% sure that we will get you far more money for your items than you would get by selling them to any dealer, or consigning them to any other auction company, and if you sell them yourself, you will AT BEST get around what you would have gotten from us after our commissions, but you will have done a LOT of work!

Q: How should you pack your items?
Be sure to pack your items securely and in sturdy packages! We are very sad when we see consignments that got damaged in transit to us due to poor packing. Always be sure items do not "shift" within your package when you shake it strongly. You can be sure that the packages you send to us will be treated far rougher by USPS, UPS, FedEx, and DHL. Here are some visual examples.  Additionally, we've created a "Secure Packaging Guide" to help you pack your consignments in a more sturdy way.

Q: Should you send "framed" posters? NO! NEVER!
A: Whenever people have shipped us posters that are framed, the frames often arrive broken which usually results in damage to the poster. Therefore, we ask that you NEVER send a framed poster through the mail. Instead, remove the poster from the frame and send the poster by itself. Additionally, we don't sell or return the frames, so there is no benefit to sending the frame to us.

Q: Can you use your consignment proceeds to pay for purchases? Yes!
A: A LOT of our consignors do this, and it is absolutely fine to do (and it can save you and us both money on credit card transaction fees!). If you want to do this, just
e-mail us (or reply to your winning bid emails) and we will do it. You can also select this payment preference when you fill out your Consignor Reference Sheet. You can learn more here.

Q: Is it OK for consignors to bid on their own items for any reason (like because they are currently selling for a very low price with just a short time to go)?
A: Absolutely "NO" under ANY circumstances. These are NO RESERVE auctions, and consignors are not allowed to bid on their own items. If we discover that you bid on your own items, we will return your consignments to you and no longer accept future consignments. You have to be able to accept the "no reserve" aspect of our auctions, or you can't consign. While the vast majority of items end up selling for between half of a reasonable retail and twice a reasonable retail, there are always a few items that sell for far under what you would expect they would,
and if you can't live with that uncertainty, then you can't consign to us.

Q: Do I need to send a printed or emailed list?
A: Nope! A list is solely for your benefit. Once the items arrive here, we enter them into our system in our own way, and don't refer to those lists at all. So you can save a great deal of time if you do not make such a list, but of course, it is entirely up to you whether you do. That being said, if you already have a list, you are welcome to include it.

Q: What if you have more questions?
We are happy to answer any questions you may have. You may e-mail us or call us at 417-256-9616 Monday to Friday 8:30 AM CST to 5 PM CST (but not 12 to 1 CST when we take lunch) to discuss your consignments. And we are the ONLY auction house there is where you can ALWAYS call up and ask to speak to the owner (Bruce!) and he will either take your call, or if he is not available, he will call you back. Try that with any other auction (or large business, for that matter)!

Consignment Checklist & Reference Sheet

Consignment Checklist:

Click HERE to print out the Consignor Reference Sheet

Address & Contact Info

E-Mail: Contact Form

Phone: 417 256-9616

Fax: 417 257-6948

Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM (Central Standard Time). We are closed from 12 to 1 for lunch.

Our address
for Post Office only is:
Bruce Hershenson
Attn: Consignments
P.O. Box 874
West Plains, MO 65775

Our address
for UPS or FedEx only is:
Bruce Hershenson
Attn: Consignments
306 Washington Avenue
West Plains, MO 65775

WHEN SENDING CONSIGNMENTS, PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE THE CONSIGNOR REFERENCE SHEET WHICH ASKS FOR: your name, phone number, mailing address, e-mail address, and consignment preferences.

We look forward to hearing from you!
Bruce Hershenson and the other 25 members of the team

Complete Buyer Protection - No time limit on our guarantees & NO buyer beware
Hershenson Help Hotline - Direct line to Bruce (our owner!) for urgent problems
Also, please read the following two pages of Consignor Reviews - Page 1, Page 2, and two pages of Customer Reviews of our company - Page 1, Page 2, which shows you in our customers' own words exactly what makes our company and our auctions so very different from all others!

LAMP Approved - Founding Sponsor since 2001 - eMoviePoster
Postal Mailing Address:
Bruce Hershenson, P.O. Box 874, West Plains, MO 65775. 
(For our UPS or FedEx address, click here)
phone: +1 417 256-9616     fax: +1 417 257-6948
E-mail: Contact Us
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM (CST)