Email Club

Why signup for the Club? Club members receive weekly e-mails that contain updates of what we're auctioning, special offers and bonuses for club members only, industry news, etc. There is no cost to you, and you may signup or cancel at any time.

Can I use a different e-mail address than the one I use for bidding? Yes! Just click the blank box below your bidding e-mail, type in the alternate e-mail address for your club messages, and click "Update".

How do I know if I'm signed up for the club? There is a checkbox labeled "I would like to be a member of the E-Mail Club..." If it is checked, you are in the club. If it is not checked, you are not in the club.

I'm in the club, but I'm not receiving your e-mails! Know that you can always view club messages even if you don't receive the e-mail by logging on and going HERE. Here are some suggestions to help our e-mails get delivered to you:

Did this answer your question, or do you have suggestions or requests? Please direct your questions, suggestions, and requests to Phillip.