eMoviePoster.comSpecial AnnouncementsDid you know... that we made improvements to searching in our Auction History, Auction Galleries, and Want List?We previously announced some improvements to our Auction History, Auction Galleries, and Want List, and now we have three more improvements to announce! Those of you who use our Auction History, Auction Galleries, and Want List will quickly see how much these help you to search more quickly and more productively, making the best resources of their kind on the Internet even better! 1) You can now search for a specific title and not get "extra" results! Here are three ways to search (the first two have been available for a long time, but the third is new):
2) Given the above changes, it meant thousands of Want List searches could be improved, and we did that for you automatically. However, we had to make assumptions (such as, if your search was for "airplane", we assumed you were looking for the film, not the keyword), so surely a small percentage of the "improved" searches are not what you intended, so you very much NEED to look over your Want List searches to make sure they are set up the way you want. If you see one that seems wrong, go ahead and change it, and we will review it within a few days to "optimize" it. The search will have "film:" in front of the search terms if we thought you were looking for a specific film rather than a genre or keyword. One more note: In the case of films where more than one exists (such as The Three Musketeers), we couldn't possibly have known what you intended to search for, so we leave it "as is", and we encourage you to follow the above suggestion in step "c" above to edit your Want List to be searching for the specific film you want. 3) Did You Mean.... Finally, when you search for items under
certain situations (such as when there is more than one version of a film or searching by the
foreign language title rather than the English language title), we have always displayed red text
that reads "Did You Mean..." following by suggestions for what you were looking for. When that
happened, you were shown zero results until you clicked on a suggested title. We have more improvements in the works, and we hope to announce them soon!
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