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CABINET OF DR CALIGARI ('20) CABINET OF DR CALIGARI ('20) 1sh OR search current auctions Auction History Result Lot #: 646 CABINET OF DR CALIGARI ('21) linen 1sheet Date Sold 12/15/1996Sold For: Login or Register to see sold price. Appears in Rock, Pop, & Classic Cinema Posters CATALOG SOLD OUT The image at right appears in the auction catalog we published as shown above and was sold long ago and we do NOT have it available for purchase. An Original Vintage Linenbacked One-Sheet Movie Poster (1sh) (Learn More) Das Kabinett des Doktor Caligari (released in the U.S. in 1921 and in England in 1924 as "The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari"), the 1920 Robert Wiene German expressionism silent horror thriller ("A thrilling fantastic photo-play"; about a man who sleepwalks in a disturbing world and there is a mysterious Dr. Caligari who seems to be his arch enemy!) starring Werner Krauss (in the title role as Doctor Caligari), Conrad Veidt (as Cesare, the somnambulist), Friedrich Feher, Lil Dagover, and Hans Heinrich von Twardowski. Note that this movie is considered by many to be the first major horror movie ever. Much of the movie takes place within the dreams of the sleepwalker, and the sets are distorted to reflect his distorted mind (they were made of paper and the shadows were painted on to the paper!) NOTE: Click on linked names to see a biography. If you know who did the art (if any), please let us know. Condition: Very Good. Learn More about condition grades
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