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FOOTBALL THRILLS (NUMBER 9) FOOTBALL THRILLS (NUMBER 9) 1sh OR search current auctions Auction History Result 193 FOOTBALL THRILLS (NUMBER 9) 1sheet 1938 Appears in Sports Movie PostersBOOK SOLD OUT The image at right appears in the book we published as shown above. While we once owned this item, we did not auction it through eMoviePoster.com (which is why no price or date is listed) nor do we have it available for purchase. Football Thrills Number Nine, the 1938 football sports short narrated by Pete Smith (note that Smith first started producing short subjects in 1931, when they were referred to as "Pete Smith Specialties"; he made an astounding 155 of these over the next 24 years, narrating 135 of them, and sometimes he was billed as "a Smith named Pete"; the shorts covered a wide range of unusual subjects, kind of like "Ripley's Believe It or Not") NOTE: Click on linked names to see a biography. If you know who did the art (if any), please let us know.
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