eMoviePoster.comAuction History Result CREATION OF THE HUMANOIDS 1sheet Appears in Drive-In Movie PostersBOOK SOLD OUT The image at right appears in the book we published as shown above. While we once owned this item, we did not auction it through eMoviePoster.com (which is why no price or date is listed) nor do we have it available for purchase. The Creation of the Humanoids, the 1962 Wesley Barry science fiction (sci-fi) nuclear holocaust war thriller ("Never before has the screen brought you a more Shocking revelation!"; Was she one of the green-blooded people?"; "Was this monster created by an electronic computer?; "Man's own creation! Can he control machines that produce people?"; "Out of a World War III came... 'The Creation of the Humanoids'") starring Don Megowan, Erica Elliott, Frances McCann, Don Doolittle, and George Milan NOTE: Click on linked names to see a biography. If you know who did the art (if any), please let us know.
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