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EMPEROR OF THE NORTH POLE EMPEROR OF THE NORTH POLE 8x10 OR search current auctions Auction History Result 1w133 EMPEROR OF THE NORTH POLE 7 color 8x10 stills '73 Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgnine, cool images! Date Sold 6/7/2012Sold For: Login or Register to see sold price. 7 Original Vintage Theatrical Color 8" x 10" [20 x 25 cm] Movie Stills (Learn More) Emperor of the North Pole (also released as "Emperor of the North"), the 1973 Robert Aldrich Depression era hobos-riding-railroads train melodrama ("Meet the Emperor of the North"; "If you can ride Shack's train and live- you'll be Emperor of the North"; "Lee Marvin & Ernest Borgnine meet in the fight of the century."; "From the makers of 'The Dirty Dozen'"; "It's not a place... It's a prize"; "This movie is about one hell of a man who lived when Dillinger was slamming banks, and Roosevelt was awakening the nation. He's a hard-time fast-tracker who's been where it's mean. A grizzly with a sense of humor, an adventurer with holes in his pockets. A wandering rebel, living off the land by his wits and his fists. He goes it alone, he does what he wants - for the beautiful pure sweet hell of it. Who's going to stop him - you? Now he's taking on his biggest run. A challenge no one ever survived. That's why he has to do it!"; "Only one man can be..."; "Written by Christopher Knopf") starring Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgnine, Keith Carradine, Charles Tyner, Malcolm Atterbury, Harry Caesar, Simon Oakland, and Maurice 'Steamtrain' Graham (real life hobo who likely had a cameo role in this movie!) NOTE: Click on linked names to see a biography. Condition: very good to fine. Learn More about condition grades
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