eMoviePoster.comAuction History Result IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE 1sheet Appears in 60 Great Sci-Fi Movie PostersBOOK SOLD OUT The image at right appears in the book we published as shown above. While we once owned this item, we did not auction it through eMoviePoster.com (which is why no price or date is listed) nor do we have it available for purchase. It Came from Outer Space, the classic 1953 Jack Arnold 3-D (3D; 3-Dimension) science fiction (sci-fi) thriller ("An avalanche in your lap!"; "A helicopter over your head!"; "A space ship zooms at you!"; "3-Dimension excitement that can almost touch you!"; "From Ray Bradbury's great science fiction story!"; "Thrills that almost Touch You! Through the magic of 3-Dimension"; "Excitement that can almost touch you"; "Amazing sights the human eye has never seen before!"; "3-Dimension fantastic sights leap at you!"; "Fantastic sights leap at you! In 3-Dimension"; "Amazing! Exciting! Spectacular!"; "Terror in 3-D"; "Startling! Spectacular!"; "3-Dimension Thrills that can almost touch you!"; Reaching from the screen to seize you in its grasp!.." Xenomorphs invade our world! They can look like humans or change to objects of awesome fear!"; "Filmed in 3rd Dimension!"; "The night the earth will never forget!"; "Terror in 3-D"; "...from another world beyond the imagination of man... it comes to this... our universe... with the power to destroy us all!"; "Amazing thrills! in 3-Dimension"; "Fantastic sights leap at you!"; "Story by Ray Bradbury"; "Screenplay by Harry Essex"; "Since the Dawn of Time... man has never seen such sights... nor trembled before such terror!"; "Outer space xenomorphs threaten entire earth!") starring Richard Carlson, Barbara Rush, Charles Drake, Russell Johnson, Kathleen Hughes, and Joe Sawyer NOTE: Click on linked names to see a biography. If you know who did the art (if any), please let us know.
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