eMoviePoster.comAuction History Result STAR WARS int'l style C 1sheet Appears in 60 Great Sci-Fi Movie PostersBOOK SOLD OUT The image at right appears in the book we published as shown above. While we once owned this item, we did not auction it through eMoviePoster.com (which is why no price or date is listed) nor do we have it available for purchase. Star Wars (now known as "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope"), the classic 1977 George Lucas (nominated for the Best Director Academy Award for this film) outer space fantasy action adventure science fiction (sci-fi) epic ("A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."; "George Lucas, the man who brought you American Graffiti now brings you an adventure as big as the cosmos itself: Star Wars, the story of a boy, a girl, and a universe. It's a spectacle light years ahead of its time from 20th Century Fox."; "Written and Directed by George Lucas"; nominated for the Best Picture Academy Award) starring Mark Hamill (as Luke Skywalker), Harrison Ford (as Han Solo), Carrie Fisher (as Princess Leia), Peter Cushing (as Grand Moff Tarkin), Alec Guinness (nominated for the Best Supporting Actor Academy Award for this film; as Obi-Wan Kenobi), Anthony Daniels (as C-3PO), James Earl Jones (as the voice of Darth Vader), David Prowse (billed as "Dave Prowse"; as the man inside the Darth Vader suit!), Peter Mayhew (as Chewbacca), Kenny Baker (as R2-D2), and Phil Brown (as Uncle Owen) NOTE: Click on linked names to see a biography. If you know who did the art (if any), please let us know.
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